
Here is my image for my first time learning how to use photoshop! These are two images put together and text written on them. Image

Web Quest

Interactive Web Quest about Energy


Energy Web Quest

Interactive Power Point

Parts of the Body

This slide show was made as an interactive Power Point to involve students in the learning process. The project was made with two other colleagues of mine to teach students the parts of the body. It embodies imaginative play with the fiction character “Timmy”. Enjoy!

Power Point With Sound

Mail Time!

This slide show incorporates pictures, music and transition in order to teach something. This powerpoint is to teach the viewers how to mail a letter. Enjoy!

Learning Goals For This Class

Goals For EDU 1015


I have many goals for my life and for this class. Since this is my senior year I am trying to learn as much as I can that will help me with my career. I hope this class will be able to help me in the future (and present too). I would like to become a teacher, which requires a large amount of communication. Communication is necessary with the students, coworkers and parents. Technology is something that can enhance communication.

I would say my technology level is average. I don’t know too much but I do know basic things. From this class I would like to learn more about different programs such as power point. I know basic knowledge like how to work programs but I don’t think I’m using them to their potential that could benefit my career. I would like to learn more specs of these programs. I would like to captivate and motivate my students through technology. I don’t know much about video games either. Sometimes I watch my boyfriend play them, but I still don’t understand them.

My goal for the future is to become a special education teacher. I will begin student teaching next week and most of the students who I will be working with have autism, which is a communication disability. Computers and other technologies such as smart boards and iPads are great ways for Autistic students to communicate. I have seen it happen before in a classroom. Students cannot tell the teacher what they want but if you turn on the iPad they are able to communicate through it. Something about technology makes it easier for those students to express their needs.

In my experiences I have noticed that students are highly motivated by new things especially technology. I remember when I was in first grade there was a game on the computer where you picked up students on a school bus. I remember being very excited to play it during computer time. I think there are great programs that students will look forward to but also get a great learning experience of out it.

I have seen smart boards in classroom being used for great learning. It is very interactive which encourages participation and the students enjoy using it! That is one of my goals as a teacher to make the students enjoy learning. Reading from textbooks or being lectured to can sometimes bore students, which is why technology can help motivate students.

In one classroom that I worked in, the teacher had a cash register game on the smart board that was part of their math curriculum. The students loved playing it and in a few weeks I was able to see great improvement in their math skills. I hope when I start my career there is a smart board in my classroom that I can use as a teaching tool.

I think this course will help me influence these children and make changes in their lives. I hope to become comfortable with certain programs and technologies that I will be able to connect to my teaching. I hope to enjoy the class also! I’ve always wanted to try the nice MacBook’s and never had before. I am looking forward to this class and learning new things!



Welcome to my blog. This blog is dedicated to a course at St. John’s University called Education 1015. I will be posting my work that I have completed for this course on this blog. Enjoy!